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This web site has been designed to be the foremost informative provider on Tennessee's prison
system, known as the Tennessee Department of Correction, or the TDOC. The decision was made to
form this site after trying to find other sources of information concerning several aspects of the
Tennessee correctional system, only to discover that all of our efforts led to a dead end or that the
information provided by the state was misleading, incorrect or out of date. We have found like so many
before us, that Tennessee has constructed a shroud around their prison system and that any information
on such is extremely hard to obtain. When someone does have a question, it is all but impossible to get
a reliable answer.

We have made sure that this site will not be used for any political purpose or backed by any political
organization that IS NOT beneficial to the inmates or family/friends of inmates, nor will we be corrupted
in any way by any outside organization we deem inappropriate to our cause. We wanted to be sure that
whatever you decide to read within this site is a true depiction of how Tennessee's prison system affects
the inmates, themselves, and the inmates' families. The sole purpose of creating this site was to provide
those that seek the truth, a way to obtain an inside look at what Tennessee has been hiding from you for
so long. Our intentions only to provide you with the information that you have not been able to find, and
if necessary, an outlet to voice your opinions. We will continually bring into light the inner workings of
the prison system, laws, codes and policies within the walls of what the average person could only
call....HELL....where only the "UNFORGIVEN" are forced to roam.

We are going to tell you the truth and show you where we got it.
The Lost Boy
The Jeff Dicks Story
Health Care
Jeff's Memorial Page
Tennessee Public Records Act
Jeff Dicks Med Coalition
Christa's Home Page
Wrongfully Convicted; Frank
Casteel's Story
Inmate Crafts
Inmate Grievances
Arkansas' River of Blood
Prison Locations
Citizens United for Rehabilitation
of Errants. CURE prison reform
Community Services
Citizens United Against the Death
Penalty; CUADP
Time Assessment
Sentence Reduction Credit
TN Coalition for Criminal Justice Reform
Outside Organizations
Legal Issues
Inmate Art
Inmates Speak Out
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